“Susanna Leinonen is the great surpriser of our modern dance. Just when we have learned to recognise her as a contemporary dance choreographer, she brings her history in the world of ballet to the stage. — The result is overwhelmingly decorative yet absolutely original modern ballet.”
– Helsingin Sanomat (2002)
The Choreography deals with four different themes that intertwine with one another, revealing unconscious associations, thoughts and emotions. The starting points for the movement are the mysteriousness of moments and the creations of illusions: the movement itself is physical, kaleidoscopic and full of nuances.
Choreography: Susanna Leinonen
Music: Mia Erlin
Costumes: Erika Turunen
Set Design: Simon Le Roux
Lighting Design: Pasi Pehkonen
Dancers: Annika Hyvärinen, Sara Kovamäki, Heidi Lehtoranta, Kirsi Ruusuvuori and Susanna Leinonen
Duration: 42 min
Premiere: 31.7.2002 The Full Moon Dance Festival
Production: The Full Moon Dance Festival, Zodiak – The Center for New Dance
Financially supported by National Council for Dance and Arts Council of Helsinki Metropolitan Region