Chinese Objects

“Chinese Objects was one of those rare total theatre events, where all the elements combined to sharpen and delight the senses, leaving you exhilarated and desperately pleased you made the effort to get there.”

Chinese Objects dives into the world of the subconscious through physical movement. Chinese Objects was commissioned by the Royal Swedish Ballet in 2005, and it has also been performed by the Dansk Danseteater.

Choreography Susanna Leinonen 

Music Kasperi Laine 

Costumes Erika Turunen 

Lighting Design Hanna Käyhkö 

Dancers Elina Häyrynen and Natasha Lommi 

Duration 17 min 

Premiere 15.9.2005 Dansens Hus Stockholm 

The Finnish Premiere was financially supported by National Council for Dance 

“Chinese Objects had a weird beauty all of its own; towers and canyons were created out of light and air, the costumes (Erika Turunen) restrained and revealed, the sounds (Kasperi Laine) enveloped and Jeannette Diaz-Barboza and Alexander Nikolaev gave outstanding performances. The dancers worked most often solo, using tough contemporary dance language which made the brief unison moments all the more riveting.” 

– Dance Europe (2005)